Scully Oil Company, a BP Branded Marketer servicing BP stations throughout Juneau, Sauk and Columbia Counties, presented a BP Fueling Communities grant donation of $2,500.00 to The Beacon House Center for Family Enhancement, Inc. The BP Fueling Communities program provides grants to local organizations that are nominated by BP’s Branded Marketers, such as Scully Oil Company to support the communities in which they do business. To learn more about Scully Oil Co., Inc. and their services they provide, go to scullyoil.com.
The Beacon House Center for Family Enhancement has been established to facilitate funds and services, as needed, to assist very low, low, and moderate income families and individuals in securing safe, affordable and energy-efficient housing.
FITS Network (Families In Transition Support) is organized by Beacon House and facilitates services and resources through community and school collaboration, as needed, to assist low and moderate income families and individuals. FITS works specifically with families who have children in the Dells School District. Their primary focus is the children in the District that are “food-insecure”, which accounts for over 50% or approximately 800-900 students. Also they have 3 established programs that focus on children that qualify for free or reduced lunch programs through the schools.
To learn more about Beacon House, please contact Mary Larson, President, at 608.254.7002.